Wednesday, 22 April 2009

How it all began

I suppose I could partially lay the blame for this project on seeing a few photos in a magazine, taken by someone trying to recreate trench warfare scenes at night complete with shell bursts overhead, and partially on the guy doing the recreations in lego of a number of famous photos. However, it came to be that I decided to recreate some WW II photos using toy soldiers and Airfix kits because I needed a photography project to get stuck into and learn a few (okay, a lot!) things.

At the moment I am building sets from Airfix (who knew you could get so affected by those fumes?!), amassing numerous other props and eyeing up my gran's garden for a staging area (not that she knows that yet...).

My camera kit at the moment consists of a Canon 20D, Sigma 10-20mm, Canon 28-135mm IS, Canon 50mm 1.8 and Tamron 70-300mm DI Macro. I also have a 580 EXII flash, a remote, and a Manfrotto tripod, so I should be okay with the basics. I am awaiting the arrival of some extension tubes on loan from a friend, and eyeing up more other kit I would love to add (but previously might have struggled to justify). Fingers crossed then for an annual bonus in May bringing home a Lensbaby Composer and maybe a macro lens... ;o) Watch this space as they say!

I will do my best to post links to the original photos as I go along, as well as tales of my exploits. This will be a big learning curve, so we'll see how it goes!